From Little Things


Jenny McLean is saying it’s ‘media evil’ not medieval myths that are harming our flying foxes.

Margit is the only other carer for Lumholtz Tree Kangaroos in Australia. While Dr Karen Coombes from Tree Roo Rescue cares for adults, Margit cares and rehabilitates the orphaned babies ready for release back into the wild. She lives in the most incredible setting with the rainforest as her backyard, wildlife walking past every other minute. Pademelons, possums, birds…I would challenge anyone to count on just two hands the abundance of wildlife… Read More

As elusive as the tree kangaroo themselves, it seems so too are the people ensuring their survival. I was lucky enough to venture out to visit the only Lumholtz Tree Kangaroo centre in the world…right in the very state in which I call home. I spent 3 wonderful days with the only two tree kangaroo carers in Australia learning about an animal that very few Australians will ever get to see, and… Read More

I’ve never met somebody who has compassion for all animals big and small. And by small, this lady even feeds her ants and has taught her dog not to hurt them. Knowing this, it came as no surprise when Margaret and her husband Steve contacted me with plans to lock up part of their land for conservation. Margaret and Steve are doing something rather unique with their property set in an arid… Read More

Gino, is one of South East Queensland’s many koalas who have frequented the wildlife hospitals around the state. I got to tag along for Gino’s release and set him back into the wild.